Recent Nuisance Wildlife Removals and Mitigations

Skunk Removal In Nassau

Skunk Removal In Nassau

If you suspect that skunks are living under your porch, contact Hudson Valley Wildlife to provide humane wildlife removal services.

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Woodchucks in Niskayuna

Woodchucks in Niskayuna

We offer a humane cage trap trapping solution for woodchucks. Woodchucks, groundhogs, and whistlepigs are all names for the same rodent, a rodent considered a marmot and our most common trapping call/inquiry. While they are seemingly cute standing up on their hind legs and chewing various ground grasses, clover, and eating your garden vegetables, they can cause havoc to your property.

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Removing Raccoons from an Attic in Albany, New York

Removing Raccoons from an Attic in Albany, New York

Have you been hearing noises that sound like wild animals in your home? You should call a professional quickly to prevent further damage to your house. The humane wildlife removal experts at Hudson Valley Wildlife are just a call away to help.

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Raccoon Removal Solutions in Albany, New York

Raccoon Removal Solutions in Albany, New York

If you are a homeowner in upstate New York, removing raccoons from your house or yard is necessary to protect both your family and your investment. The best way to repel, deter, or remove a raccoon depends on many factors, including where the raccoon has made its home.

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Let us help. Contact Hudson Valley Wildlife Solutions today!